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Cellular Therapy Working Group

Prof. Marc Ansari, Geneve


Prof. Dr. med. Tayfun Güngör, Zurich


Dr. med. Tamara Diesch, Basel

Vice Chair


The Cellular Therapy Working Group (CTWG) is a formal working group within the Swiss Society of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology (SSPHO). The group represents members involved in the field of cellular therapies (CT) e.g., autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplantation, CAR-T cell therapy and gene therapy in the Swiss paediatric haematology-oncology community.


We aim to facilitate involvement and exchange in clinical, research, and educational activities as well as to become a driving force and platform for new ideas in the field of cellular therapies. Specifically, we aim to:

  1. Harmonize supportive care through standardization of SOPs concerning for example PK measuring, immunosuppression, FN, infection treatment, VOD, TMA, GHVD-treatment, vaccinations, follow up of late effects, and COVID.

  2. Harmonize cell collection e.g., the number of necessary cells.

  3. Harmonize early and late effects of monitoring and treatment through knowledge transfer to improve outcomes.

  4. Represent a working platform for pediatric CT in Switzerland with the potential to bringing in innovative ideas in national committees and promoting studies.

  5. Network and improve cooperation between Swiss pediatric centers for CT.

  6. Build a research platform especially for Young Investigators, for exchange on research activities and setup of new collaborations.

  7. Teach workshops and hold a annual or biannual meetings with a specific topic to expand horizons.

  8. Be a platform for the discussion of difficult cases e.g., graft failure, missing donors, and conditioning regimes.


Group Responsibilities:

In order to address issues related to pediatric cellular therapies, the CTWG is able to propose new initiatives to the SSPHO Board. Equally, the SSPHO Board has the opportunity to approach the CTWG in case they need input from members for specific projects/studies. The CTWG needs approval by the SSPHO board for new initiatives/projects.


Chair/Vice-Chair responsibilities:

The Chairs have a representative and administrative position in the group, They will be the coordinators of the group activities. Group decisions are passed by the Chairs and Vice-Chair.


Member responsibilities:

Decisions concerning changes of the terms of references are based on a qualified majority vote of all CTWG members. All members of the Steering Committee should be actively involved in the projects run by CTWG.

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