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Registration Open: Pediatric Oncology – Hematology Specialized Examination 2025
Registration for the 2025 Specialized Examination in Pediatric Oncology – Hematology is now open. We appreciate your interest and look forward to receiving your applications!
Global effort to evacuate Ukrainian children with cancer and blood disorders who have been affected by war
On Feb 24, 2022, Russian military forces began a coordinated invasion of Ukraine. Russian assaults resulted in widespread damage to densely populated residential areas and critical civilian infrastructure, including power stations, transportation hubs, schools, and health care facilities. As a result, more than 10 million refugees have fled Ukraine, approximately 50% fleeing to Poland. Attacks on Ukraine’s health system
Unsere Hilfe für die Ukraine:«Wir haben nicht tatenlos zugesehen»
Am 24. Februar begann die Russische Invasion in die Ukraine mit tausenden von Toten und Verletzten und Millionen von Flüchtlingen. Kritische zivile Infrastrukturen werden attackiert und zerstört, darunter mehr als 250 Gesundheitseinrichtungen, eine angemessene medizinische Versorgung wird unmöglich. Es trifft alle Menschen. Ganz besonders vital aber sind Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene mit einer onkologischen oder hämatologischen Erkrankung betroffen, welche zeitgerecht diagnostiziert und behandelt werden müssten, um ihre mehrheitlich
Ukrainian children with cancer in need for treatment continuation - SSPHO Position Paper
Dear SSPHO members
We all agree, with respect to the war in the Ukraine it needs all possible efforts to alleviate this humanitarian tragedy.
The numbers of people leaving the Ukraine for one of the contiguous European countries is unbelievably growing day by day, the majority passing the Polish border. Among them are children with hemato-oncologic diseases, urgently requiring continuation of clinical care and treatment.