A red circle with an animated bouncing ball on a black background.
Solid orange circle on a black background.


May 30st, 2022


For reasons of better readability, all designations of persons used in the Statutes shall apply to al genders.

The Statutes are available in a German and an English version. In case of any conflict, the German version shall be binding.

A Name Headquarter, Aims and Objectives

Art. 1 Name and Headquarter

The Swiss Society for Pediatric Hematology and Oncology (SSPHO) is an association acknowledged by the FMH in the legal context of Art. 60 ff. of the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB) with the headquarter (place of registration) in Bern. It is politically and denominationally independent.

Art. 2 Aims and Objectives

The association considers itself as an interdisciplinary professional society for pediatric hematology and oncology in Switzerland and represents the professional interests of its members in representation towards other medical organizations, authorities, the general public and other institutions. The Association has a non-profit character and does not pursue commercial purposes or profit-making.

The purpose of the Association is:

  • to promote and develop pediatric hematology and oncology scientifically and practically

  • to advocate health-related concerns of children, adolescents and young adults with hemato-oncological diseases

  • to support its members in all aspects of treatment of children, adolescents and young adults with hematological and oncological diseases

  • the promotion of professional training and continuing education

  • the further development of science and research

  • quality assurance and promotion

  • to make the work of pediatric hematology and oncology more widely known and to promote its recognition and importance through public relations activities

Art. 3 Tasks

The purpose of the Association is realized in particular by:

  • the professional representation of the members' interests the promotion of pediatric hematology and oncology as an independent scientific discipline, the cooperation with national and international oncological and hematological societies and the Society ofPediatrics Switzerland, as well as other FMH societies, associations and parental support groups

  • the organization of scientific meetings for the further education and training of all professional groups in pediatric hematology and oncology

  • the development, updating and implementation of the program for continuing education.

  • the organization and implementation of the specialization examination the establishment of medical guidelines.

The bodies of the Association serve on an honorary basis.

B Membership

Art. 4 Ordinary members

Ordinary members should be specialists, fully trained in pediatrics and adolescent medicine (FMH) with a focus on pediatric oncology-hematology or an equivalently accepted title.

Art. 5 Extraordinary Members

Extraordinary members may become:

  • Academic professionals interested in clinical and experimental hematology and oncology and/or involved in pediatric hemato-oncology topics.

  • Non-academic professionals who are primarily involved in pediatric hematology and oncology topics.

Art. 6 Honorary Members

Persons may be proposed for honorary membership if they have made

  • a special contribution to the Association and/or have made

  • outstanding contributions to pediatric hematology and oncology in Switzerland.

Honorary members will be elected by the General Assembly.

Art. 7 Admission of Members

  • Applications for membership must be addressed to the Board of Directors together with a curriculum vitae. For ordinary membership, a copy of the specialization title or an FMH/SIWF-equivalent title must be submitted. Admission is granted by decision of the Board of Directors.

  • Extraordinary members become ordinary members with the presentation of the successful acquisition of the specialization title without additional procedures.

Art. 8 Termination of membership

Membership is terminated by death, resignation or exclusion.

  • The declaration of resignation must be made in writing to the Board of Directors with a notice period of 6 weeks to the end of a calendar year.

  • If a member fails to pay the membership fee despite two reminders, he/she may be excluded by a decision of the Board.

  • If there are serious reasons, the Board can request the exclusion of a member.

  • The exclusion of a member shall be decided upon by the General Assembly of Members, after prior discussion, at the request of the Board of Directors.

Art 9 Membership fees

The membership fees are determined annually by the General Assembly.

Ordinary members

Extraordinary members (academics)

Non-medical members (non-academics e.g. nurses)

Honorary members

The fiscal year corresponds to the calendar year.

C Organization of the Association

Art. 10 Governing bodies

The organs of the Association are as follows:

a) General Assembly

b) the Board of directors (Board)

c) the Auditors

d) the Working Groups

Art 9 Membership fees

The membership fees are determined annually by the General Assembly.





Art. 11 General Assembly

The General Assembly is the supreme body of the Association.

  • * It shall be held at least once a year and shall be chaired by the President or, in his absence, by the Vice-President or by another member of the Board of Directors. The meeting date must be communicated at least 8 weeks in advance.

  • The majority of the Board or a minimum of 20% of the ordinary members can demand the calling of an extraordinary General Assembly at any time, stating the purpose. This must take place no later than 8 weeks after receipt of the request.

  • The invitation to the General Assembly as well as the notification of the agenda shall be sent by the president in writing or by e-mail to the last address communicated by the member in writing or by e-mail. The invitation with the agenda must be sent to the members at least 2 weeks before the General Assembly.

  • Proposals to the General Assembly must be sent in writing to the Board at least 6 weeks before the meeting.

  • Only full members are entitled to make motions and to vote. In the event of being unable to attend, the right to vote may be exercised by another member of the Association present with written authorization.

  • Resolutions are passed by a simple majority of the ordinary members present. A secret ballot is possible upon individual request. In the event of a tied vote, the President shall have the deciding vote.

  • Amendments to the statutes require a two-thirds majority of the ordinary members present.

  • Any General Assembly that has been called in accordance with the statutes shall constitute a quorum, regardless of the number of ordinary members present.

The General Assembly, as the supreme body of the Association, has the following duties and competencies:

  • Election of the President, Vice-President, other Board members, Auditors and honorary members.

  • Approval and amendment of the statutes

  • Approval of the minutes of the last General assembly

  • Approval of the annual report of the Board

  • Acceptance of the Auditors' report and approval of the annual accounts

  • Discharge of the Board members

  • Determination of the membership fees

  • Approval of the annual budget

  • Proposal of working groups

  • Election of working group leaders upon proposal of the Board

  • Upon request, approval of a budget for the establishment of an office

  • Resolution on the termination of the Association and the use of the liquidation revenue.

Minutes shall be taken of the resolutions which have been passed.

Art. 12 The Board of Directors (Board)

12.1 Composition and Term of Office

The Board consists of 5 persons.

The following departments are represented on the Board:

a) President

b) Vice President

c) Treasurer

d) two Assessors

The Board shall establish its own rules of procedure.

  • All members of the Board must be ordinary members of the Association.

  • The Board shall consist of representatives from university and non-university hospitals and one ordinary member who has the sub-title on pediatric oncology/hematology for no longer than 5 years at the time of election.

  • A term of office on the Board is 3 years. The maximum term of office on the Board is 6 years.

  • Board members are elected by the ordinary members in principle by secret ballot at the General Assembly with a simple majority.

  • All ordinary members whose membership has existed for at least 6 months at the time of the Board election and who have no outstanding membership dues are eligible to vote in the Board election.

12.2 Tasks of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall conduct the current operations and represent the Society externally.

  • The Board enacts regulations.

  • It may constitute working groups and propose working group leaders to the General

  • It may employ or commission persons for the achievement of the Association's goals in return for appropriate compensation.

  • The Board has all competences that are not assigned to another body by law or according to these statutes.

  • The Board meets as often as business requires, but at least 4 times a year (in person or online).

  • Any member of the Board may request that a meeting be convened, stating the reasons.

  • Unless a member of the Board requests oral deliberation, resolutions are valid by circular letter (also via e-mail).

  • The Board of Directors is in general active on an honorary basis; it is entitled to reimbursement

    of effective expenses.Assembly for election.Adoption of resolutions on motions of the Board and the members

12.3 Signatory powers

The Association is legally represented by the collective signature of two, the President or the Vice-President together with another member of the Board.

Exceptions are minor transactions up to CHF 100.00.

Art. 13 The Auditors

  • The General Assembly elects two ordinary members of the Association as Auditors, who check the accounts for completeness and correctness and carry out a spot check at least once a year.

  • The Auditors shall report to the General Assembly.

  • The term of office of the Auditors is 3 years. Re-election is possible once.

Art. 14 Working Groups

  • Working Groups shall be established by the Board of Directors upon proposal to the Board of Directors by ordinary members. The Board of Directors appoints a temporary leader who constitutes the working group and leads it until the regular election of the working group leader by the General Assembly. Working group leaders are elected by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Board and must be ordinary members. As an exception extraordinary members may be elected chair of a working group(1).

  • The Working Groups issue their own regulations, which must be approved and put into effect by the Board.

(1) amended sentence, approved by the GA, May 30st, 2022

Art. 15 Financing

The income of the Association can be generated from the following sources:

  • membership fees

  • income from own events

  • subsidies

  • income from service agreements

  • voluntary contributions

Art. 16 Liability

Only the Association's assets are liable for the debts of the Association. A personal liability ofthe members is excluded.

Art. 17 Liquidation of the Association

The liquidation of the Association may be decided by a resolution of an ordinary or extraordinary General Assembly and is permissible with a three-quarters majority of the ordinary members present, provided that at least half of the ordinary members are present. In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the assets of the Association shall be transferred to a tax-exempt organization pursuing the same or a similar purpose. This will be determined by the General Assembly.

The distribution of the Association's assets among the members is excluded.

Art. 18 Effectiveness

These Statutes were approved at the General Assembly of 30.05.2022 and came into force on that date. They replace the Constitutional Statutes of 15.11.2021.

Olten, May 30st, 2022

A handwritten signature on a white background.
Signature Katrin Scheinemann

Jeanette Greiner

Katrin Scheinemman

Vice President
