Cancer Predispositions Working Group


Dr. med. Nicolas Waespe, Bern & Geneva


Dr. med. Eveline Stutz-Grunder, Zurich

Vice Chair



The Cancer Predispositions Working Group is a formal working group within the Swiss Society of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology (SSPHO). Cancer predispositions are heritable conditions that increase risk of development of cancers significantly. More than 40 such conditions have been identified so far with a wide range of cancers associated that occur during childhood and adolescence. About 10% of children with cancer have an underlying cancer predisposition. Unfortunately, these conditions are often insufficiently identified and care is not adapted to these conditions.



We aim to improve identification of at-risk patients, accurate diagnosis, care and associated research projects in Switzerland.

  1. Improve diagnosis and care of patients with suspected or identified cancer predispositions through national collaboration.

  2. Facilitate research projects to better understand genetic causes of cancer predispositions.

  3. Collect data of patients with suspected and genetically proven cancer predispositions and their families.

  4. Promote international collaborations.




Group Responsibilities:

  1. Develop a national clinical forum to discuss patients with cancer predispositions.

  2. Promote professional education on cancer predispositions.

  3. Motivate and coordinate national and international research projects.

  4. Define a workflow for the collection of patients and their families with suspected and proven cancer predisposition syndromes in Switzerland.

  5. Define international collaborations and how Swiss patients can be included.


Chair/Vice-Chair responsibilities:

  1. Communication regarding the group’s development.

  2. Initiation of working group meetings, agenda settings and minutes.

  3. Writing the annual working group report and sending all working group documentation to the SSPHO.


Member responsibilities:

Decisions concerning changes of the terms of references are based on a qualified majority vote of all CTWG members. All members of the Steering Committee should be actively involved in the projects run by CTWG.


Cellular Therapy Working Group