Professional Development Working Group
KD Dr. med. Sabine Kroiss Benninger, Zurich
Dr. med. Jeanette Greiner, Aarau
Vice Chair
This working group is assuming responsibility to areas of professional training and
development in the specialist area of paediatric haematology and oncology (PHO). This includes the review, revision and further development of the curriculum for PHO training in Switzerland.
Aims and Objectives·
The PDWG is responsible for organization and conduct of the PHO sub-specialty FMH examination and to specify the eligibility criteria for this examination.
The PDWG approves Credits for training programs and events concerning PHO together with the SSPHO chair/vice-chair.
The PDWG’s work is in alignment with the SIWF guidelines. The PDWG is the point of contact for the SIWF concerning questions relating to professional development and training in the area of PHO.
Current Project:
Curriculum revision for specialization in PHO with the aim to develop and implement a competency based curriculum for PHO training in Switzerland (supported by SIWF)
EPA Working group (1st meeting May 2022):
M Amrein, J Greiner, S Kroiss, M Otth, K Scheinemann, J Wyss, SSPHO and A Marty, SIWF EPA committee