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German School of POH (Winterschool), Modul IV "ZNS Tumoren, Rhabdoidtumoren, Retinoblastome
Application Opening 30. September 2024 with announcement in the GPOH mailing list
Die German School of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology (kurz GsoPOH oder auch Winterschool) ist ein Fortbildungsangebot für Assistenzärtinnen und Assistenzärzte mit Interesse an der Kinderhämato- und -onkologie, sowie Fachärztinnen und Fachärzte in der Schwerpunktweiterbildung. In mehrere Module aufgeteilt ist es den Teilnehmer:innen über 4 Jahre möglich umfassende, auf die klinischen Aspekte zugeschnittene Vortragsreihen zu erleben und dabei in den direkten Kontakt mit den referierenden Studiengruppenleiter:innen zu kommen. Darüber hinaus fördern Gruppenarbeiten und Kurzvorträge den Austausch untereinander und bilden den Grundstein für weitere Aktivitäten innerhalb der GPOH
Das Angebot besteht seit 2015 und wurde von Prof. Dr. Dominik Schneider (Dortmund) und Prof. Dr. Angelika Eggert (Berlin) im Auftrag der GPOH ins Leben gerufen. Im Sommer 2022 ist das Programm in die mittlerweile dritte Runde gegangen (wegen Corona abweichend als „Summerschool“). Der aktuell laufende Zyklus besteht aus den Modulen:
Modul I (Juni 2022): Leukämien & Lymphome
Modul II (Januar 2023): Solide Tumoren
Modul III (Januar 2024): Hämatologie, Hämostaseologie & Immunologie
Modul IV (Januar 2025): ZNS Tumoren, Rhabdoidtumoren, Retinoblastome
Ein absolvieren der Module in der benannten Reihenfolge ist dabei nicht zwingend notwendig.
Die Veranstaltung wird möglich gemacht durch die großzügige Unterstützung der Deutschen Kinderkrebsstiftung.
SIOPE Brain Tumor Group European Combined Neuro-Oncology Course, 3rd Year of 2nd Cycle
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The SIOPe BTG Training & Education (T&E) Group welcomes you to participate in the European Combined Neuro-Oncology Course, 3rd Year of the 2nd Cycle, in Lisbon, Portugal, between the 20th to the 22nd of November 2024.
The course is co-organized by the Young Investigators and Innovators (YII) Group of SIOPe BTG and provides an exceptional 3 day programme on diverse topics in Pediatric Neuro-Oncology, aiming to provide training to residents and young specialists across all disciplines.
This year’s programme includes sessions on spinal tumors, directions in medulloblastoma, innovative strategies and morbidities in CNS tumors, cancer predisposition and a round table on patient-centered care. There will be plenty of time for lively discussions during the presentation of difficult cases and practical workshops.
Additionally, this year will feature research talks for participants and a meeting with Young SIOPE to discuss the mentorship program. The best clinical case and talk by the participants will be awarded!
Lisbon is a beautiful and historic city with a dynamic energy. We will take the opportunity during the course to invite you to participate in a sportive activity and to enjoy the social events.
We warmly welcome everyone to Lisbon in 2024!
4th Master Course Pediatric Oncology, Module 4.2 Hemato-oncology
The Master Course of Pediatric Oncology offers a theoretical and applied curriculum at the advanced level for pediatric oncology fellows and early/mid-career pediatric oncologists. This 2-year course, consisting of 4 modules, is endorsed by SIOP.
Starting with Module 4.2, we decided to extend the Master Course modules by half a day to allow more time for the interactive expert sessions (for the same fee). Each module now consists of two-and-a-half live days, which are accompanied by a comprehensive online program that covers key concepts and supports further extension of learning, which can be followed in a self-paced manner. The course is offered entirely in English. More information about the overall curriculum can be found at General Information.
The first Module of the 4th Master Course covers General aspects of childhood cancer. The topics vary from biology of cancer in children and an introduction to treatment modalities to psychosocial care and clinical research in pediatric oncology. The first Module also includes an introduction to Quality Improvement .
Module 2 covers all aspects of Hemato-oncology, whereas Modules 3 and 4 focus on Neuro-oncology and Solid tumors. Participants attending all modules will be challenged to design and implement a Quality Improvement project in their own working environment, with support of our faculty. Modules 2 until 4 will also include workshops focused on additional clinical and professional skills, like Workplace Teaching, Crew Resource Management, Moral Deliberation and Advanced Care Planning.
The first Module provides an excellent platform for Modules 2, 3 and 4, which are disease-oriented. We advise to attend all four modules, but it is possible to register for selected modules as well. It is also not required to follow all modules in sequence. Furthermore, you can enter mid-term and still complete the Master Course by attending modules of the next edition.
If you plan to attend the Live Days online, you should ensure adequate online connection. If the internet connection from your side is inadequate, this will influence the quality of the livestream.
The dates for the other modules are:
- Module 4.3 Neuro-oncology - April 23, 24 & 25, 2025 (NEW: 2.5 days)
- Module 4.4 Solid Tumors - November 12, 13 & 14, 2025 (NEW: 2.5 days)
CME accreditation has been requested for this course by the UEMS EACCME®.
1. Unfortunately, scholarships are no longer available for the 4th Master Course. The next opportunity to apply for a scholarship will be for the 5th Master Course in 2026-2027.
2. There is a reduced fee for participants from low- and middle-income countries. Check LMIC's overview to see which countries are covered.
3. There is a reduced fee for participants attending the live days online (hybrid version). Check the rates at the registration button.